Sunday, October 28, 2007

"Uncle Sam"

Here is a picture of our Abby with her "Uncle Sam". Growing up Sam was just apart of the family, he seeemed more like a fourth brother than friend. I know that my family loves him like a sibling so we only feel that it is appropriate that he has the official title of Uncle. Even though Abby is shielding her eyes... she loves him. But who wouldn't be scared if Sam was holding you and eating at the same time.

1 comment:

Cami @ All Things Lovely said...

I love the post and the picture! Sammy is so lucky to have you guys in his life! Which makes me so lucky too because I'm in his life now and your family has so graciously taken me in as well! We love you guys and hope to see you soon! I love the monkey pictures of Spencer! Too cute!