Monday, March 23, 2009


We have been really busy around here these last few weeks getting ready for the BIG move this weekend. Abby just couldn't take one more minute... and took to the floor for a nap, but of course still holding her balloon! She loves balloons and how could you not love this picture so precious.


Emily Peterson said...

That is so cute! She really must have been exhausted! Give us a call, we would love to help in any way we can with the big move!

Krista said...

She is so sweet and cute... Is it really time to move? Yeah! I'll be calling to see what we can do to help!

Lizzy said...

I especially love how she has one shoe on and one shoe off! Adorable! Wish I was there to help with all of the insanity!!

Hartley Family said...

ohhhh my goodness- that is the sweetest thing I have ever seen! I love it!

Alissa said...

Such a cutie. I am excited to see pics of the new home!