Monday, April 27, 2009

MoVeD iN!

Well we are finally moved into the new house. There seems to be a million little and some big projects left to do, but we are feeling more and more settled as time goes by. This picture is for Nana Jane so she can see Abby in her dress. Thanks Nana and ignore Spencer's not so happy face! We will update with house pictures soon! Thank you for everyone's help with watching kids and for Aunt Lizzy who flew in to save the day! Thank you so much for all the help,I feel so blessed to have such great friends and family.


The Fab Fabian Life said...

It was fun to hang out last night! Thanks again!

Melinda said...

It has definitely been too long since I've seen you guys! I can't believe how big Abby is now! They are both so adorable.

Lizzy said...

Aunt Lizzy is pretty awesome.